Angles90 Srl Landmines


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This page includes all of our in-stock Rogue Landmines as well as an assortment of related landmine accessories. For the uninitiated, a gym landmine attachment is a small tube (either mounted to a rack or a weighted base) through which an Olympic barbell can be inserted, creating a 360-degree swivel joint for a wide range of useful rotational and core training exercises: i.e., landmine rows, squats, curls, lunges, etc. For many years, Rogue’s Landmines (including the Infinity / Monster Lite Landmine and the Monster Landmine 2.0) have been must-have equipment for almost any gym we outfit, due to their versatility, space efficiency, and easy set-up and takedown. These quality steel attachments can be mounted to an existing rack/rig or to a compatible wallmount channel like the Strip or the Monster Strip. Many customers also like the portability of the Post Landmine, which can be set up anywhere using a stack of plates as the counter weight. To open up even more training benefits with your selected Landmine, Rogue’s Double Landmine Handles, Single Handle, and Parallel Landmine Handle are among the available accessories designed as quick-attach add-ons.